Thursday, February 5, 2009

Let's Try This Again... Goodness

So I had to get a new email address with google since my last one was always on the fritz.  I hope this isn't a pain for everyone, but you gotta do what you gotta do! :-)
So in the Fowles family household we had a fun time playing with Wii Fit! It's this awesome gamer where you can do yoga, aerobics, cardio, and balance games on the Wii Balance Board.
So we had to dress the part of course! We got decked out in our work-out clothes and got busy burning fat! I luckily thought to grab my camera and snapped some photos to share the fun with you!
Sam didn't want to be that close to Lexi and I! 

She doesn't taste all that bad! 
Ooooh... Ain't we cute?
Scram absolutely HATES kisses!


  1. I was wondering why I couldn't get onto your blog! I can't even tell you how much we miss you Kate! Love you so much!!!

  2. Cute. Looks like you guys had fun! Thanks for letting me know about the change up.

  3. Love the new look of your blog....and your hair is sooooo cute! Thanks for the post. Hopefully you will keep us better updated on your life. We miss you tons! Love ya!
